Supporting Innovation and Enhancing Education

The Concord Trust for the Enhancement of Public Education, a non-profit organization established in 1997, provides grants to fund innovative projects that enhance the educational experience in public schools in Concord, New Hampshire.  Each year, The Concord Trust funds a variety of creative educational projects based upon grant requests made by Concord teachers, administrators, and staff.

Quotable Moments

What is your biggest takeaway from the kinetic sculpture unit?

“I learned that art as a whole is evolving.” – Jack S.

“Building kinetic sculptures is hard.” – Alasdair F.

” I took away perseverance skills and learned more about how things move.” – Emma F.

“I learned that when you have a designated role, teamwork is easier” – Riley R.

“The biggest takeaway from this sculpture for me is that when working together, it is very important to speak to one another and recognize everybody’s strengths and weakness to create a successful project where everyone is included.” – Saige R.

“That art looks easy but is hard. It’s hard work but has a great looking reward.” – Zach D.

“The engineering process and how to follow directions better.” – Cameron D.

“I learned how to build in a team and work together.” – Lorelie F.

“I learned that I don’t know everything!” – Spencer D.

“Something I would take away would be that art doesn’t just have to be visually appealing , it can have function too.” – Kevin F.

“Working with wire is painful. But seriously, it’s a slow process that takes a lot of drive. I applaud people who make this for a living.” – Mary P.